Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

I have begun to question this day of giving thanks. The idea of what the day is to represent has been lost over the years. I was taught in grade school that it was to celebrate how Thankful the Pilgrims were to survive the winter when all the other attempts to colonize was a dismal failure. So this group survived only because the native tribe could not let them die out and deemed it necessary to show them HOW to survive. They did not only feed the Pilgrims, but taught them how to feed themselves using "the old ways" of doing things. How to fertilize using natural ways. How to build storage that would keep foods from decay all winter. How to make a food that was high in nutrition and easily carried when on hunting trips or exploring.

Centuries later, we were supposed to be celebrating this wonderful concept of looking out for the wellfare of others and desire to see others survive who would otherwise parish. Do we? Absolutely NOT!

What we celebrate is greed, dysfunction, lust, covetedness. Everything that is the opposite of the original reason to celcbrate. Families get together to celebrate and end up eating too much, drink too much which results in violence! Even though the family does no drink heavily, the day has come to mean lots and lots of cooking, frustrations, gorging instead of eating, and complaining of eating too much instead of being grateful for family, food and a roof over their heads!

Iam sitting here listening to my children and husband sit around and make fun of my daughter-in-law that THEY consider below them in intelligence. I have tried all their lives to instell in them a pride in themselves, but not at the expense of others. Apparently once they became adults (agewise) they decided the rules apply to others, but not themselves. This makes me so sad and depressed. My dream of a fantastic get together full of laughter of the old funny things done as children and intelligent points of view from their favorite books to how their favorite intrests compare with one another. I will have to wait on the next life with my next family because this one is lost and totally hopeless!

No wonder I am constantly depressed and sucicidal!

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