Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Very Lucky Woman

She is a very, very lucky woman! She had the nerve to call and leave a message on my cell phone. She was concerned! She was worried! She was worried we were in trouble because of the storm. She tried his cell and it went straight to voice mail. But she was safe from the storm. But that is not why she is lucky. She did not have to live with her abusing son any longer, but that also is not why she is lucky.

No, she is lucky because I had a vision from The Lady during the night. I was shown that the only thing she was actually guilty of was being stupid. Stupid for calling my phone. Stupid for leaving a voice mail on my phone. It did not excuse her from calling me in the first place. But as a healer, an empath, I had never done anything harmful to anyone intentionally. I had always protected the innocent, sought justice for those wronged, or repelled evil sent with force.

"Do what you will, but harm none!" This had always been my basis for what I did. If I did what I briefly wanted to, she would be sick, hurt, financially strapped and emotionally destroyed. But she is a lucky woman. Very, Very lucky woman. Because I am an ethical Witch.

But she should also be warned.

"Do not EVER call, contact or even think about me and mine. EVER! Or..suffer the consequences of your actions!"

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