Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hurrican Ike and me

To decide to stay home and "weather the storm" is either very sure of ones self or very stupid in taking the chance because we can't see what will happen next! I think I may fall somewhere in the middle; probably more to the stupid side than the other. But after looking back and seeing what is going on around me now, perhaps the stupid part is staying AFTER Ike hit! No phone, no electricity, no clean running water, and running very short patience.

Before the storm hit full force, Linda who is a neighbor, came to me and said that a little cat is under a SUV and would not come out when she called it. She is not really all there, but she is very sweet and caring for all, including people. When she described the cat, I knew it was the little stray that comes to visit me quite often when I am sitting on the patio having a glass of wine in the evening. I walked to the parking garage she was talking about and she directed me to the vehicle. I got down on my hands and knees and called to the little cat. She got up right quick and came to me as if she was saying, "hurry, pick me up..something bad is about to happen". Linda told me that she had been adopted by a young neighbor of ours. I walked over to his apartment and knocked upon his door. He was so happy to see the little cat and informed me that he had named her Linda. I was surprised because all this time I thought she was a he! :-)

I sat on the window ledge of my living room on the patio of my apartment throughout the storm. I watched the trees sway back and forth nearly touching the ground. I watched a window screen and a couple of window shutters fly by. But I think the scariest part was watching and hearing the 5 story building they are building across from the apartment complex moan and groan, snapping boards, and heavy pieces of metal hitting the concrete below. I watched the paper they had covering the wood and brick sides rip off and fly away. I was so sure that at any moment it would break apart and come flying towards us. Thankfully, this did not happen. All throughout the neighborhood trees were broke in half or completely uprooted and laid out into the street. You know what was the weirdest of all? I understand that emergency services, such as police and fire departments, have a need to be out and about during the hurricane force winds, but ordinary citizens? They were driving up and down our street like it was a regular Texas rainstorm. What's with that? Hummmm, now who is stupid?

All in all, the apartment suffered no damage. I had taken ALL the meats in the freezer on Friday and cooked. I then put them in zip locks in the refrigerator. When power was lost to the apartment, I placed two bags of ice inside the refrigerator with two big stainless bowls underneath to catch the melting ice. I kept ice in the freezer section. So far, the only spoilage is some fruits and all my fresh veggies. It was very hot Friday and Saturday. Sunday the hubby and I sat in the car with the windows down to catch a nice northern breeze. I had brought the portable DVD and we watched movies. Oh for some good hot buttery popcorn and cold beer! Surprising what you wish for when you are without many things. ;-) But my family and I were very, very lucky! We had plenty of water, food, and candles. The kids and their families did fine over in Winnie. My sister had a little damage, but her pups did fine and the brother-in-law lost his horse barn, but the horses were fine. My Uncle and Aunt had a tree lean over onto their roof, but did no damage. However, my Uncle lost his barn, but all of his equipment was fine. We all did fine. Trust me it could have been worse. There were trailer homes in Winnie that were turned upside down, cracked down the middle or were gone all together!

I sat on the patio during the storm and did all my workings that I could do, asking help of Poseidon, the god of waters and the sea, and my Goddess that I have dedicated to, Hecate. I truly believe that the faith of many, many people helped. I don't believe there is only one road to a place, so I never discount any believe someone might have. Not always is this given back to me, but I never take it personally. Many fear what they can understand and react in anger or prejudice. I will still be helpful and friendly. Sometimes, this is how people find out you are not that evil thing that is portrayed in books and movies. You can only show what you truly are one person at a time.

Blessed Be!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Mother's Memory

Push, Push, Strain
Through water and blood.
A mother's memories flood;
she recalls the reward, not the pain.

A smile, a twinkle of eye
Always smells so sweet.
Tiny hands, tiny feet
In delighted joy, she cries.

Praying, trying to guide
as bored 15-year-old just stares
thinking that no one cares!
She cries as this memory is filed.

Another 15 years go by -
So much shame, a mother cries
tears of pain, emotional strain.
But a mother will always by him will stand by.

More memories for a mother to store;
to smile through her tears, sighs.
He now knows he has to try
to give some sweet good memories to store!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Daily Tarot Card Reading/Meaning

0 The Fool

Key Word: Everyone
Minor Arcana: None
Ruled by: Uranus
Element: Air

Positive Attributes: Freedom, Joy, Happiness, Youth, New Experiences, Inexperience, Adventure

Negative Attributes: Foolish desires, Selfishness, Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Unwise actions, Pleasure seeker, Sexual focus.

The Fool is humanity on its way to experience. The wand he carries is a phallic symbol. Within his pouch are all the tools necessary for leading a successful life. The rose is the flower of Venus, planet of love and desire. The white rose he carries signifies pure love. a dog is considered man's best friend and this one is trying to caution the Fool to be careful of his steps. The dog also refers to our animal nature and our five senses. The snow in the distance shows us that the world can be a cold place in which to live and also refers to frozen mental attitudes. The white Sun behind the Fool is our true source of life, the super-consciousness.

Uranus rules Aquarius, an air sign. It refers to mental activity. Qualities of Uranus are: desire for new experiences, adventure, friendships, new age thinking, invention, and sudden events.

Fool Upright in a Spread

This indicates a desire for new experiences, sudden activity, and adventure. There is a need for caution at this time, a misstep can send one over the edge. Pay attention to the environment and use insight through all circumstances. Be confident, but do not act hastily.

Fool Reversed in a Spread

Confidence is lacking. There is a need to take more responsibility. Balance pleasures, sexual needs, and other desires. Curb anxiety, have faith in the future. Other possibilities include: immature thinking and actions, selfishness, materialistic focus, or an unkind friend.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Very Lucky Woman

She is a very, very lucky woman! She had the nerve to call and leave a message on my cell phone. She was concerned! She was worried! She was worried we were in trouble because of the storm. She tried his cell and it went straight to voice mail. But she was safe from the storm. But that is not why she is lucky. She did not have to live with her abusing son any longer, but that also is not why she is lucky.

No, she is lucky because I had a vision from The Lady during the night. I was shown that the only thing she was actually guilty of was being stupid. Stupid for calling my phone. Stupid for leaving a voice mail on my phone. It did not excuse her from calling me in the first place. But as a healer, an empath, I had never done anything harmful to anyone intentionally. I had always protected the innocent, sought justice for those wronged, or repelled evil sent with force.

"Do what you will, but harm none!" This had always been my basis for what I did. If I did what I briefly wanted to, she would be sick, hurt, financially strapped and emotionally destroyed. But she is a lucky woman. Very, Very lucky woman. Because I am an ethical Witch.

But she should also be warned.

"Do not EVER call, contact or even think about me and mine. EVER! Or..suffer the consequences of your actions!"